Ported Number Registry


In order to search the register, please enter telephone number in the following format: 381AANNNNNNNN (AA - Area Code without the leading 0). Examples: 3816412345678, 381117654321.

Telephone number
Required field
Note: For details see the guide below.

Type the phone number in the search field. Click on "Show Results". The result shows the operator where the number is registered at the time of the search.

In case of error, check carefully the number you have entered. The search box accepts the following input formats - for example:

381 64 123 4567

381 11 7654 321





For more information on number portability, see Regulation

 Guidelines on number portability on mobile networks (25KB)




Number portability

Is a service which enables a subscriber, natural or legal person, using the services provided by a telecommunications system based on a subscription agreement or any other appropriate arrangement and who has been assigned a number in order to use these services, to keep the assigned number when switching from one public mobile service operator to another, upon request.

How to initiate the number porting procedure?

The number porting procedure is initiated by submitting a request for number porting to the receiving operator, i.e. the operator of the network to which the number is ported and whose services the subscriber (user) will be using following the completion of the number porting procedure.

This request will also be considered as a request for the annulment of the existing subscription agreement between the subscriber (user) and the donor operator, i.e. the operator relinquishing the number porting procedure and whose services have been used by the subscriber (user) until the number porting. The agreement is annulled once the number is switched off from the network of the donor operator.

The subscriber (user) may not request the transfer of any additional services provided by the donor operator.

Can prepaid users port their numbers?

In order to port their numbers, users who do not have a subscriber agreement (prepaid users) have to be registered. User registration involves the identification of users in accordance with the procedures of the public telecommunications operator. The registration of unregistered prepaid users may be carried out with the receiving operator by submitting the SIM card or PUK code, as well as by providing a valid ID document (ID card or passport).

Prepaid users are not entitled to any reimbursement from the donor operator for the remaining amount on their account or unused traffic.

Request for number porting

can be submitted by a natural person (on behalf of minors, this request should be submitted by a parent or guardian), or by a holder of a written authorization on behalf of legal person. The request form for number porting is available with the receiving operator.

Are there any reasons based on which the donor operator could refuse to provide the number portability service?

The donor operator may refuse to provide the number portability service if:

  • the request for number porting is submitted by an unauthorized person;
  • the request for number porting is inaccurate or incomplete;
  • the prepaid subscriber (user) is not registered;
  • it the subscriber has any outstanding debts, including all obligations towards the donor operator pertaining to untimely cancellation of agreement specified in the subscription agreement;
  • the number is already in the number porting procedure, or if the previous number porting was performed less than three months ago;
  • the number is stolen, not in service, temporarily or permanently disconnected from the network of the donor operator;
  • the porting is requested for a number from a number block or from a user number group within the network of the donor operator.
How long does the number porting procedure last?

Request for number porting submitted by 2.00 pm on a working day shall be considered as a request made on that day. In case the request is submitted later than 2.00 pm, it will be considered as a request made on the following day.

Upon receiving the request, the donor operator is given two days at most to verify whether all the necessary conditions for the number porting procedure are met.

Once the donor operator accepts to port the number, the number must be ported within two working days at most.

How much does it cost to have your number ported?

The subscriber (user) is required to pay the fee in the amount of 200.00 dinars to the receiving operator for the number portability service. The donor operator cannot request the reimbursement of the number porting costs from the subscriber (user).

Can I cancel the number porting procedure?

The cancellation of the number porting procedure is limited by a deadline and may occur only within the period between the beginning of the number porting procedure and the receipt of the reply of the donor operator to the request submitted by the subscriber. The cancellation of the number porting procedure may be requested from the receiving operator.

Subscriber notification

Operators are required to provide an automatic voice or SMS message with the following content: "The number you have dialled has been ported to the network of the operator X". This message is free of charge and the operators are required to enable all their subscribers to either activate or deactivate this message upon request.

Important information

Subscriber (user) who has ported the number may not request to port the same number again sooner than three months following the day the number has been ported of from one operator to another.

 Guidelines on number portability on public telephone network at a fixed location (32KB)




Number portability

Is a service which enables a subscriber, natural or legal person, who is using telecommunications services based on a subscription agreement or any other appropriate arrangement and who has been assigned a number in order to use these services, to keep the assigned number when switching from one operator of the public telephone network at a fixed location to another, upon request.

How to initiate the number porting procedure?

The number porting procedure is initiated by submitting a request for number porting to the receiving operator, i.e. the operator of the network to which the number is ported and whose services the subscriber will be using upon the completion of the number porting procedure.

This request will also be considered as a request for the annulment of the existing subscription agreement between the subscriber and the donor operator, i.e. the operator relinquishing the number in the number porting procedure and whose services have been used by the subscriber until the number porting. The agreement is annulled once the number is switched off from the network of the donor operator.

The subscriber may not request the transfer of any additional services provided by the donor operator.

Request for number porting

Can be submitted by a natural person or by a holder of a written authorization on behalf of a legal person. The request form for number porting is available with the receiving operator.

Are there any reasons based on which the donor operator could refuse number porting?

The donor operator may refuse the request for number porting if:

  • the request for number porting is submitted by an unauthorized person;
  • the request for number porting is inaccurate or incomplete;
  • it the subscriber has any outstanding debts;
  • the number is already in the number porting procedure, or if the previous number porting was performed less than six months ago;
  • the number is not in service or temporarily/permanently disconnected from the network of the donor operator;
  • the porting is requested for a number from a number block or from a user number group within the network of the donor operator;
  • the number porting request is also a request for a change of the geographic access code;
  • the number is part of the system where number portability has not been enabled.
How long does the number porting procedure last?

The donor operator is given three working days at most, starting from the first working day following the day the request for number porting is received, to verify whether all necessary conditions are met and to submit the notification thereof.

Once the donor operator accepts to port the number, the number must be ported within three working days at most.

If the request for number porting is accompanied by a request for a full local loop unbundling, the number porting procedure may last longer, as laid down in the relevant Reference Offer, and the operator will be required to meet both requests at the same time.

How much does it cost to have your number ported?

The subscriber is required to pay a fee in the amount of RSD165.00 (VAT excluded) to the receiving operator. The donor operator cannot request the reimbursement of the number porting costs from the subscriber.

Can I cancel the number porting procedure?

The cancellation of the procedure for number porting is limited by a deadline and may occur only within the period between the beginning of the number porting procedure and the receipt of the reply of the donor operator to the request. The cancellation of the number porting procedure may be requested from the receiving operator.

Subscriber notification

Operators are required to provide an automatic voice message to be received by a calling party. The message will be free of charge and will have the following content: "The number you have dialled has been ported to the network XXX. Please wait while the connection is being established".

The message will initially be disabled and will be made available or disabled once again upon request. However, the request may not be made by the subscriber who has ported the number in question.

Important information

Subscriber who has ported the number may not request the porting of the same number sooner than six months following the day the number has been ported from one operator to another.

Electronic Communications Law

(Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no.44/10)

Download PDF document

Rulebook on the application of the cost-accounting principle, separate accounts and reporting by an operator with significant market power in the electronic communications sector

(Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 52/11)

Download PDF document

Rules on number portability in public mobile telecommunications networks

(Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 5/10)

Download PDF document